I feel the pressure, too. I’m sinking all of my money into a house. (Not into a sinking house, I hope.) Is it a wise investment? Is it even an investment? I don’t know, but I do know that I need floors to walk on and cabinets in which I can store my food.

Marx believed that the first nations to find true communism would be affluent nations such as the United States. Russia was an aberrance, attempted to skip a step, and ultimately failed in a world where capitalism had not yet hit its stride. It is unfortunate that this miscooked “communism” is stigmatized and demonized in our society. I can only hope the growing divide between the rich and poor in this country leads to a better world for tomorrow, but sinking into the cynicism of a prolonged recession affords me little optimism.

Fishing | The Reluctant Grownup.

All I can say is, “Amen!”