Going Gaga

Lady Gaga is known for her outlandish outfits, but this is just ridiculous.

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He's in the Details

Victorious in their media-backed, fear-fueled rampage of hysteria that brought an angry mass of the disenfranchised back into power, the new dynasty parties late past good taste. The contented mass of city-dwellers shocks to the realization their unimpressive candidate cannot retain the moral high ground, as they now truly understand that people care not for the good of the many, but only for the narcissistic needs of one: the self. The greater the charisma, the greater the evil. The devil frequently woos with words the desperate yearn to hear, and in return grants their mutually assured destruction.

What the Home Needs


I bet your Home product is pretty cool. I want to get one, but you have to do one thing first: make it support multiple users better than the Echo. I don’t want to say “switch profile” or some other nonsense. It needs to automatically differentiate between the voices of our household members. I wouldn’t mind training it. But it cannot simply assume only one person is using it.

Fix that and I’ll get one for us.

Sportsing Worldliness, Regionality Of

Congratulations to the Cubbies and to all those who purchase their merchandise, identify with them, or in other ways subscribe to their specific brand of tribal identity. (Tribalism assumes a different connotation when considering the name of their rival team, but I digress.) Statistical probability indicates that you should have won the series several more times than you have (zero) in the last 108 years. But in addition to the numbers, the manner in which you won is perhaps the most dramatic that the rules of that particular game could, if not possibly, in all probability allow.

How to Eat a Lindor Milk Chocolate Truffle

These chocolates are smooth and delicious, and relatively expensive. Due to a happenstance of climate I recently found that when I bit into one that appeared solid, the interior had melted. What was initially disappointment has now turned into my favorite method of consumption, and would like to share how to recreate it with you. Note: I developed this technique on the milk chocolate variety; other flavors may not work as well, if at all. Decide that you want to enjoy a milk chocolate truffle. Remove the truffle you want to enjoy from the bag.